Archived Articles
The Healing Power of Kindness
We’ve all heard the old adage that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what about a smile?
Videos on Kindness, Empathy, and Connection
Video playlist on kindness, empathy and connection
Train Your Brain to Feel More Compassion
Want to train your brain to feel more compassion? Here is how.
Active Listening in Parent-Child Relationships
Active listening and how it improves communication in the parent child relationship
How to Turn Your Brain from Anger to Compassion
Life is hard, we need compassion
A Compassionate Summer Season
Steps to spread summertime compassion
James Doty’s Helper’s High: A Case Study in Altruism
A case study of altruism through the story of James Doty
7 Self-Compassion Routine Changes
Seven changes to introduce more self-compassion into your routine.
The Guest House
The Guest House Elizabeth PyjovOriginally posted 01 Jun 2014 This beautiful poem by 13th century Sufi poet Jelaluddin Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks, captures the spirit
Compassion Meditation for Kids
Research indicates that compassionate children become caring and optimistic adults. Compassion can be cultivated through formal meditation techniques. Below is a modification of the classic compassion meditation, designed to appeal to kids.
10 Science-Based Reasons Why Compassion is Hot
Science tells us compassion is good for our health, and we know that helping others makes us feel good, but sometimes it feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. There is so much to do, can I possibly find time to contribute? Yes! In minutes, at no or low cost, and from your desk, you can contribute.
Lovingkindness by Sharon Salzberg
Lovingkindness: TheRevolutionary Art of Happiness is a must-read for those interested in well-being and fulfillment. Author and meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg explains important Buddhist concepts like compassion (karuna) and lovingkindness (metta).
This is an excerpt from Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life.”
20 Scientific Reasons to Start Meditating Today
I started meditating soon after 9/11. I was living in Manhattan, an already chaotic place, at an extremely chaotic time. I realized I had no control over my external environment. But the one place I did have a say over was my mind, through meditation.
Woods – Short Story
Shire awoke with the rising sun. How natural, he thought. Camping deep in the woods for some time he had rediscovered himself within nature. Quiet. Alone. No longer an observer, he perceived himself with nature and sensed his oneness in it. Walking at times he lost all awareness and for moments simply was… the woods.
From Iciness to Warmth
Some of the best movies have no villain and no hero. In director Steve McQueen’s film “Shame” (2011), the main character is neither. McQueen does not rely on the simplistic plot twist of the victim/villain/hero triangle, and it is unclear who plays which role.
Perspectives on Philanthropy
Dan Pallotta’s recent TEDTalk “The Way We Think About Charity is Dead Wrong” reminded me of a number of problems that I have witnessed in the common attitude toward funding and philanthropy.
Living with Disability
People with disabilities are rarely seen in a positive light. Life following a disability is often only linked to the negative, such as ignition of others’ fears (1), concerns about one’s own human fragility (2), or worry over what others might think if seen or associated with a person with disability (1).
Guided by the Alphabet
A brief period of meditation and contemplation each morning can serve to put the daily stresses of life into perspective. Each morning and sometimes throughout the day, I go through a mnemonic which I have found very useful.
The Compassionate Mind
Decades of clinical research has focused and shed light on the psychology of human suffering. That suffering, as unpleasant as it is, often also has a bright side to which research has paid less attention: compassion.
Anton Chekhov’s Compassion for Daily Struggles
Over one hundred fifty years after his birth, Anton Chekhov is as relevant as ever.
Shared Humanity in Hard Times
The horrific deeds in Newtown, the death of Ravi Shankar, Lady Katherine Middleton’s morning sickness, landmines killing girls in Afghanistan, the arthritis in my hip, my grandmother’s 94th birthday…
Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain, Open Your Heart
Train your mind, change your brain, open your heart Gonzalo BritoOriginally posted 16 Sep 2013 Until fairly recently, the brain was perceived as a more
Kristin Neff’s Self-Compassion
Kristin neff’s self-compassion Mathew Skinta Originally posted 16 Sep 2013 Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind is a wonderfully accessible, personal journey through research
Google, Gratitude, and Getting Canned
Google, gratitude, and getting canned Erika RosenbergOriginally posted 16 Sep 2013 In 2009, I taught the Stanford Compassion Cultivation Training Program at Google. My group
Three Books that Forgive Your Faults
Three books that forgive your faults Kelly McGonigal Originally posted 16 Sep 2013 We all have goals and dreams, and as you pursue them, don’t beat
My Mother, or How I Learned Compassion
My mother, how i learned compassion Richard Avery Originally posted 16 Sep 2013 I suspect that many of us learn about compassion from our mothers.
The Best Kept Secret to Longevity is Love
The best kept secret to longevity is love Emma Seppala Originally posted 16 Sep 2013 Look younger! Feel more vibrant! Boost your stamina! Live longer!
Trusting Relationships
Trusting Relationships Scott Kriens Originally posted 16 Sep 2013 Even if we can’t count it, we all know compassion is real. We’ve all felt its
Why Should We Care
Why should we care Paul Anderson & Sarah Konrath Originally posted 16 Sep 2013 Picture a college student appealing for a higher grade in his
Building Compassion in Banking
Building COMPASSION IN Banking Daniel Martin & Bruce Cahan Originally posted 16 Sep 2013 David Brooks recently shared a conversation with a bank CEO. Economists